Recovery of tin waste
All types of tin waste

All types
Secondary products and waste, in all physical states, stem from different industrial sectors as well as from specialized recovery sites. This waste can come in metallic form (blocks, ingots, bars, turnings, powders, etc.) as well as in the form of dust, oxides, sludge, ash or powders.

Stoop SA cannot however process organic, radioactive, flammable or explosive waste, nor mining ores or concentrates.

Each type of waste is treated and refined according to its own merits and characteristics, based on the most appropriate technology. In addition to traditional furnaces and crucibles, the company can use crystallization, electrolysis or vacuum distillation to ensure optimal recycling and the highest degree of purity of the metals obtained.
Sampling and analysis
Each batch delivered to Stoop SA is sampled and analysed by our laboratory in Fenix Metals. In addition to the sample used by the laboratory, a sample is taken from each batch and stored in a separate container until a final agreement is reached by and between the parties (the supplier and Stoop/Fenix Metals), so as to be able to recreate a sample in the event of a discrepancy. The supplier or his representative can be present throughout the process, from sampling to analysis, but we can also perform sampling without supervision. We are proud to report the trust and confidence of our suppliers, who let us sample 99% of the raw materials they send us without supervision. In any event, a double seal of the samples is always available to suppliers for possible analysis by an independent operator. Our objective is to provide the final result of the analysis within 30 days of delivery.
The analyses are carried out with state-of-the-art equipment by our laboratory which is certified PN-EN ISO 9001:2009.
Pricing and settlement
The pricing conditions are clear and flexible. They are established before the delivery of the products between the supplier and Stoop SA. Once the products have been delivered and analysed, a final valuation is quickly transmitted to the supplier on the basis of the analysis of the products and metal prices.
Interested? Questions? Do not hesitate to contact us for more information